Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Night Sleeper

This summer project was intended to emulate the experience of a dream. It is an exploration of the places between conciousness and sleep: I tried to imitate real experiences and blend them with stretched realities.

Under the bed


Friday, July 20, 2007

The Place of Dreams

What if I created a miniature world, a meadow : the sound of crickets: to create a dream like place inside of a place: untouched, perfect, distorted- like dreams in light boxes.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

At Night

Late at night i'm plagued with dreams where my body is immobile. I'll wake between dreams to discover it is another dream i have woken into. I fear this entrapment: where i fight between morphed walls and sinking beds. I discover my own body heavy- my eyes like slits are unable to open, my voice dry and cracked. I'll flee to the rooms of others; to look down on their peaceful sleeping bodies.

Where is this place of dreams: Where touch and smell are real?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


If i look at Hybridity in the terms of symbolic order, A hybrid would fall under the order of the small other.

I guess before I use this term I should explain.

Jacques Lacan, a Psychoanalytic theorist, discussed the symbolic order the "Big Other".
it is an order that categorizes the world around us, so that it may be more easily understood.
He also discusses the 'Small Other'- "small particles of dust that gives body to the lack in the Big Other" (Kiendl 72). The Small Other embodies a glitch or defect: this defect is labeled as petit objet a something that is the cause of desire. It can only be perceived by a gaze distorted by desire. Slavoj Žižek, also a theorist, furthered on the concept of petit objet a: stating it is the thing which fantasy is projected upon.

The Hybrid is something that is not understood. It falls under the adjectives of defective and monstrous. It is something that cannot be easily understood and therefor falls under that category of petit objet a. The hybrid lives in the world of fantasy and myth. It is understood as abnormal and therefor is something to be feared.

If Hybrids live with myths and fantasy then they would also belong with Fables.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Fables, Myths and Stories

Fables house the petit abjet a, utilizing them as antagonist or villain: the exampled vice that the narrative tries to illustrate (as bad). Fables are ethical, persuasive- in which Protagonist walks among a personified world, intersecting these 'villains' in order to display the grand designs of "punishment and reward...stag(ing the) perennial cycles of greed and compassion" (Allen 14). A lesson is attended from this, thus the purpose of the fable.

Erik Edson is a multi-disciplinary artist that uses landscape as metaphor to reflect humanity's interaction with the natural world. Human abasement to nature is displayed through his manipulation of animal imagery. His work incorporates childhood toys and figures from the world of fairy tales. In his exhibition Fable, Edson creates a carnivalesque environment that reflects the relationship between human and animal. "He attempts to bring viewers to the brink of disorientation" (14) through his slapstick wit and quality of sleeplessness. Edson's nature is a distant world where taxidermist bears stand frozen in chintz upholstery fabric, beady eyes black and vacant: his life-sized teddy-bear.